Sky: Children of the Light has been a haven in the storm for me for nearly four years — I've played since the iOS launch! — and I love to relax with it, especially when my life feels chaotic. Today, though, I was feeling especially down. I've had a very busy week, and a lot of things in my life have been changing or getting more difficult lately. Between errands, I parked my car and decided to open up Sky to take a little break.
When I came online, I noticed that a friend I hadn't spoken to much was in Home with me, and they were playing the ocarina. I love the sound of the instrument; I think it's very soothing. But it took me another minute to realize... They were playing one of my favorite songs!
I sat back and sang along, alone in a parking lot, feeling more connected than I would have thought possible. Once they finished, I cheered and applauded them, and then decided on impulse to unlock chat together. I thanked my friend for their beautiful music and told them how much it meant to me in that moment, and they were surprised and happy! We both left the conversation feeling lighter inside. I know I'll think about that interaction every time I hear the song from now on, and I'll happily remember my new friend and the few minutes we shared together that brightened my day!