I have a few friends I have been playing Sky with since I started a few years ago. We sometimes take breaks for other obligations or activities but always come back. Sky has always meant a lot to me artistically and was enjoyable as a game, but recently it has meant even more to me socially and mentally.
I often travel and usually don't struggle too much, but recently I took an extended trip that was more stressful than usual. I was taking classes in a new language every day for a majority of the day and was in a rather conflicting timezone compared to my home. I often found myself exhausted by the end and just wanted to stay in and do something comfortable for myself. Playing Sky with my friends from my home country was that comfortable something!
It made me really appreciate my friends and the space Sky gives us. We have become genuinely closer through Sky, even though we knew one another before we started playing years ago. I often draw us all together making jokes but this time I found myself drawing more heartfelt pictures. Sort of like a "thank you" to my friends and Sky for being that place of comfort for me when I needed it.
The calming sounds -- the recently added Manta Projector mixed with the Prince Rose and ocean sounds from the Days of Nature Seashell. The rain and mellow music in Hidden Forest. The birds chirping in home. I honestly was falling asleep with my phone next to me with my friends characters napping near mine like we were having some sort of slumber party across the globe. It may sound small when read aloud by a passerby but I don't know, sometimes it's those gestures that make a person feel lighter! So shoutout to Morg and Nopu and thank you to Sky for the comforting place you created for us to connect.