You’ve only just been born from light,
And you’re not sure what to do.
You call out for any attention,
And I can tell you’re new.
Let me light your candle, little moth,
I’ll show you the way around.
I’ll show you all my favourite places,
And all the secrets to be found.
I’ll show you the best ways to travel,
And how to befriend these creatures.
I’ll help you with your daily tasks,
And you can change your features.
I think we both should have a rest now.
We’ve been exploring for quite long.
Maybe we’ll sit for a little while,
and I’ll play you a song.
And the end of it all, a big white candle,
I thank you with a high five.
It’s time to go, little moth, but I'll see you again,
Next time we’re both online!