When I was a kid, I would always have dreams of flying. I would spread my arms, push off the ground and take off, gliding through the sky and feeling the wind brush my hair. It was always a big comfort to me, and to this day the wind brings me immense joy.
I’d played Sky once before, but had completely forgotten about it. I rediscovered it and decided to play. I was in the middle of Eden - it was terrifying and I wasn't sure what I had to do but eventually got through it. I watched the sequence of events play out and cried. It was almost like the past few years of my life, which had been so terrible, was shown to me in the form of Eden - beating me down until I had nothing left, and then showing me the beauty of perseverance and stillness.
And then I was back home, facing the door to the Isle of Dawn. I entered. I walked through like it was my first time. In a way, it was. I got to the first Winged Light, shining before me. It told me to fly. And so I did. I was in awe of how the flying mechanics were so similar to the dreams I had as a kid. Again, I began to cry. I realized that this game was reaching out and healing my inner child. I felt younger, I felt free. I felt like I was my Sky kid, flying around.
Over time. I overcame my shyness and found friends to fly with. I've been playing Sky ever since that day, sometimes even just sitting there to take in all the beauty. And then, I’ll get up and fly.