My favourite song in the concert is Warrior of Light. It’s so uplifting and hopeful that it always leaves me feeling better. It’s very fitting for Sky and its unique community made of a vast amount of people from all cultures, religions and countries, each with a unique story to share.
Unfortunately in life, not all stories have happy endings. There are those facing battles everyday, some fighting to see another sunrise, and some suffering in silence behind the screen. But each of us are warriors, armed with the support of Sky’s community and the wonders of friendships.
My friend met someone facing a grave battle - a Skykid, sitting by his lonesome in wasteland. He had terminal cancer with only two weeks left. Even facing death, he chose to enjoy the rest of his time with his Sky friends and brave his fate with their encouragement and support. I hope his soul is resting in heaven among the stars now.
As Aurora so spectacularly said, with whatever we are facing, we are all warriors of light. Thanks, TGC, for making this collab which I’m sure encouraged many. I want him to be remembered by many, too.