The first time my husband and I played through the Realms of Sky, we did it alone. Other games had taught us that strangers make the game more difficult, so we avoided them. Alone, exploring was frustrating, and we were often caught unprepared for challenges that appeared.
Our first trip through the Eye of Eden was terrifying. We cried. Then a player offered us a candle, and we discovered a massive community of helpful, loving people. We developed a close knit group of fellow players whose friendships transcend the game. Working together, we found true joy in Sky. Each person has their own strengths, their own talents, and offer them up willingly to the benefit of all.
Now, we take on challenges with laughter, encouraging each other to find the silliness in even the darkest moments. We dance in the Graveyard, make faces at the krill, and crab at the ends of the world. With our friends, Sky is a beautiful, inviting landscape for us to escape to. To be free. The Eye of Eden is not scary anymore. It's one of our favorite places. We gather our people and fly out there once a week - for a tea party.