My eyes opened for the first time. Peace, that was the only thought that came to my mind as I stood silently on the circle of stones. Normally my mind would be flooded with worries, drowning in whispers and unshed tears. But no, now it was silent in my head.
Birds chirped in an unobtrusive way, and the sky glowed a beautiful blue, the entire space engulfed in comfort, in warmth; the kind I had never felt before. My life before was coated in darkness, in silence and whispers and dipped heads, fingers picking at my sleeves anxiously... Now I was still, letting the sound of waves crash through my mind.
I could feel the small piece of hair that hung next to my face tickle against my nose as a breeze blew past, bringing with it the fresh smell of grass. I blinked, and my friend was standing next to me. It startled me for a moment, quietly leaping away with hands covering my head instinctively. My friend stood for a moment, still as their mind caught up, before they turned to me and honked once. I honked back, recognizing the shape of their eyes even through the mask. They reached out their hand.
I was terrified for a moment, hesitating. But the kindness of their stature and the curve of their eyes, and the peace of my surroundings engulfed me, it all seemed to chase away the darkness. So I placed my hand in theirs, and we were off. We ran through the caves and I could only stand there and gawk at the beauty of my new life. Then my friend flapped their wings and launched us into the sky. I honked ferociously, screwing my eyes shut like I was a child. But my friend reassuringly squeezed my hand. I shook my head as they honked inquisitively. I was scared of what I would see if I looked down.
I had always dreamt of flying, back in the life before. I had dreamt of flying to a better place, flying until I could no longer see the ground and I could be alone forever. It had seemed so beautiful, the image in my mind. What if I opened my eyes, and it wasn’t… that. I was scared of losing my dream, my only escape. Another squeeze to my hand brought me out of it. My friend honked once more, another reassurance. They were here with me. My dreams had always been me alone, but maybe, I didn’t have to be alone anymore. Maybe I could have someone there to guide me. I opened my eyes.
Birds flew from every direction, clouds swirling like waves crashing against the shore as we flew towards the temple. Colors sprayed across my vision, dancing and SINGING like nothing could ever be wrong in the world. In that moment my heart filled with such joy and love for my life, like nothing I had felt before -- because this beauty existed, because there was someone to share it with me. My friend honked and I honked back. My heart was so full, my mind was so quiet. I could barely believe that this was real, that this was truly in front of me. I hadn’t even realized that tears were staining my mask, tears of joy falling to the earth like raindrops.
Being here, up in the Sky, it showed me that life was beautiful, that I could have it. It showed me colors and light and such quiet. Being here, up in the Sky, I realized that my life could be beautiful again, and that every day I have to keep flying forward again and again and again. The path is long and with no end in sight, but that doesn’t mean I have to be scared of it. I can love the beauty and peace it brings, the friendships that have been forged, and the worlds endless colors that had once been dim. Thank you Sky.