The very first thing that caught my eye when I first joined Sky were the characters… namely, the spirits. No, not because of their cosmetics, but because of their character and stories, which really moved and impacted me as a person.
I want to share with the Sky community that spirits aren’t just all about cosmetics and items and looking cool. If you look closer into their stories, you may find something that touches your soul, something that speaks to you, maybe even something relatable. I find that their stories have taught me lessons that I will take with me for the rest of my life.
For instance, Seed of Hope from Season of AURORA showed me hope and persistence in the face of darkness and hopelessness. Spirits from Season of Assembly taught me that no task is too tall, as long as people cooperate and work together. And the story of Cackling Cannoneer of Season of Abyss told me that even the most precious treasure cannot beat the value of true family and friends, who welcome you with open arms even after all the mistakes you’ve made, accepting you for who you are.
There are many more stories that I would like to share, but I will end here for now. Thank you Sky, for the lovely stories you’ve given me!